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Arts in the Park: Shapes of the City

Downing Park Carpenter Ave/3rd Street P.O. Box 306, Newburgh

As our "Arts in the Park" series continues, join Chat Travieso for "Shapes in the City". Chat Travieso is an artist, urbanist, and designer, as well as co-founder of the multidisciplinary collaborative practice Yeju & Chat, with Yeju Choi. He creates participatory, architectural, and research-based...

Arts in the Park: African Dance Class With Melody Africa

Downing Park Carpenter Ave/3rd Street P.O. Box 306, Newburgh

As our "Arts in the Park" series continues, join Assane Badji of Melody Africa for an African Dance Class. The Class will take place at the North Field in the grass. Shoes are optional. This class is FREE and open to all ages & abilities....